Daily Creation: Keep a Streak Alive
The unexpected morning call. The throw-together wardrobe. The pre-rush-hour rush hour. The hustle. The client fire drill. The chance meeting with the old-timer in the coffee shop when all you want is a cup of joe. The next client fire drill. Another rush. Another hustle. The skipped lunch, skipped meditation, skipped afternoon walk around the building. The fire and grind of a burned down day.
Welcome to January 14, 2020.
Some days run hot, threaten to overheat on the highway of life. That’s been my day, which is why I’m dropping this dime closer to 5:00 p.m. than 5:00 a.m. Sure, the gurus tell you the goal of these days may be survival and If you lose your routine every now and then have a little grace. (After all, mama said there’ll be days like this). But still, even when the routine breaks before the cock crows once, isn’t it worth pursuing your one, most important, highest-value goal?
This evening, I’m writing off-routine because I believe there are some streaks worth keeping alive. The weekday piece, my singular act of creativity—it’s my One Streak. Today, I bird-dogged it down as the sun set out my office window. Sometimes that’s what it takes.
Do you have One Streak you wouldn’t want to break? (And no, brushing your teeth doesn’t count.)
THE BOOK OF WAKING UP —a book on addiction, attachment, and the Divine Love—launched TUESDAY so order a copy or ten at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookish (my favorite indie bookseller). Then, forward this post to a friend and ask them to read along.