Are You Living a Life of Quiet Despair? The American "Deaths of Despair" Epidemic and Your Hedge Against it.

In the months leading up to my Dry January news fast, I began researching the American phenomenon known as “deaths of despair.” It’s a new category of mortality, one which encompasses death by suicide or overdose, and according to experts, deaths of despair are on the rise. The rise has been so statistically significant, that the American mortality rate has fallen each of the last three years. In fact, according to a Newsweek article,

In 2017, the overall death rate from deaths of despair (45.8 people per 100,000) outpaced lung cancer, stroke and car crashes when adjusting for age, according to CDC data. That's an increase of more than 180 percent since 2000.

Why this seemingly sudden rise? According to an expert in the field, Anne Case, "The pillars that once helped give life meaning—a good job, a stable home life, a voice in the community—have all eroded." Interestingly, Case makes no mention of the religious structures and faith systems that bring full meaning to life. I wonder, could the erosion of faith in the west be a contributing factor? Could our lack of spiritual connection be driving the epidemic?

I’m not here to speculate on the drivers of despair, but instead, to wake to the reality of it. I’m hoping you’ll wake to it too, and that together, we can begin an examination of our own lives this week. Are we living lives of quiet despair in our ragged America? Are we following the cultural milieu down darker paths of isolation and addiction? Or are we living different kinds of lives, lives oriented to joy?

Today, examine your own life. Are you nurturing human connection above digital? Are you pursuing a spiritual meaning? When the pain of life comes knocking, do you turn to your family, community of faith, AA chapter, or therapist, or instead, do you load up on pain killers, alcohol, and digital stimulation? Examine, examine, examine. And if your examination exposes despair, ask for a little help. There’s no shame in it.


THE BOOK OF WAKING UP —a book on addiction, attachment, and the Divine Love—launched TUESDAY so order a copy or ten at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookish (my favorite indie bookseller). Then, forward this post to a friend and ask them to read along.