Observation #16: Monochrome Magic
Observation #16: Sometimes the way to see the magic is to strip away the color.
*Photo taken with the Fujifilm X100S. For behind the scenes content join the inner circle.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Altus, Arkansas.
Observation #16: Sometimes the way to see the magic is to strip away the color.
*Photo taken with the Fujifilm X100S. For behind the scenes content join the inner circle.
Enamored by its texture, its finger-pointing steeple, I took the photo of the old brick church in Mooresville, Alabama. I loved the landscape image, the way the facade stood proud when framed just right. But as I stepped back from the church, as I took stock of the building, I noticed the way the shadows and light played on the front porch, the way they seemed to peel the layers of paint on the columns.
Observation #7: Sometimes perspective comes by focusing on a piece of the whole.
*For behind the scenes content join the inner circle. Photo taken with the Canon M-50.
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