Waking: Meditating Through The Anxiety

Yesterday, we took a hard look at the ways we lull ourselves to sleep. The ways we tap out. And I confess, I’m not exempt from this sort of tapping out. When stress, pain, or anxiety comes calling, do I turn to prayer, meditation, and the like, or am I prone to turn to other coping mechanisms? As much as I’d like to claim the spiritual actualization of a mindful guru, I must admit the truth: I still use other means to numb myself when the stress, pain, anger, and anxiety fires up every nerve.

This leads me to the question the day: If we choose to wake up, choose to walk away from our vices and coping messages, what do we do when the stress, pain, anger, or anxiety comes? If we can’t reach for the bottle (or work or the credit card or social media), what will we reach for?

Consider meditation. When our anxious or angry energy rages like a house fire, when we’re tempted to numb that anxiety or anger by way of any vice, find a quiet place, get still, and concentrate on slowing your breathing. Clear your mind, at least as best you can, and focus on your breath, your heartbeat, or the feeling in your fingertips. Consider adopting a simple prayer, something meaningful to repeat. Maybe it’s the Jesus Prayer—Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. Maybe it’s a simple word—Help or Peace or Love or Forgiveness. Whatever you chose, make it powerful enough to drive away the negative emotions throbbing in your noggin. Dive into this kind of meditation for seven minutes. (You can increase the time as you grow in the practice.) At the end of seven minutes, ask yourself: “Do I sense any relief?”

So many—people of faith, atheists, and agnostics alike—have found relief through the practice of meditation. (As one example, read this article by journalist Dan Harris on how meditation can help us deal with the anxiety-inducing political divide in modern America.) I have too. And sure, my meditation is directed a little differently than the current trend of “mindful meditation” that’s so popular today. My practice is based in the Christian tradition of prayer. But if I can catch myself before I lose a grip, if I can return to meditation before the anxiety or anger takes over, I experience something like the beginning of peace. The genesis of calm.

As you wake from your vices, as you begin to feel all that stress, panic, anxiety, or anger, give meditation a go. See what happens.


Wake Up?

My next book, The Book of Waking Up: Experiencing the Divine Love that Reorders a Life* is available for pre-order NOW. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble) Pre-orders are vital to the success of a book, so please do not wait. Order today. And if you do, let me know via email. I’ll send you a sample along with the 3-part video series that gave rise to this book!

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