Waking, Week 2: Know Thyself

“Know thyself”—it’s a Greek maxim, one which was inscribed on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. It’s a maxim that appears with regularity in books written by modern-day self-help gurus, executive coaches, and counselors. It’s used with such regularity that some might consider it cliche, and though I’m a fan of taking potshots at cliches, I’ll let this one slide. I might even argue that “know thyself” is one of the most important maxims you might apply to your life.

Know thyself—what is it but a call to understand your abilities, your talents, and even your limits?

Know thyself—what is it but a call to understand the things that bring you joy and the underlying pains of your life?

Know thyself—what is it but a call to examine the habits you can’t kick, the addictions, the myriad ways you numb yourself when the harder parts of life come calling?

Know thyself—but how?

Carve out twenty minutes of stillness, solitude, and silence. Try seven minutes of meditation as you enter into silence. Then, when your mind is quiet and with a pen and journal ready, examine your life. Create these five lists.

List One: What character values do I most value (e.g., honesty, creativity, loyalty, etc.).

List Two: My talents, skills, and abilities.

List Three: The things that bring me joy.

List Four: The things that bring me pain.

List Five: The things I used to distract me from pain.

Come back tomorrow, and we’ll build on this exercise.


Wake Up?

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